Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Sms Mobile

Authors : Ishwarbhai patel
SMS stands for Short Message Service. It is a technology that enables the sending and receiving of messages A Sms Mobile between mobile phones. SMS first appeared in Europe in 1992. It was included in the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) standards right at the beginning. Later it was ported to wireless technologies like CDMA and TDMA. The GSM and SMS standards were originally developed by ETSI. ETSI is the abbreviation for European Telecommunications Standards Institute. Now the 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) is responsible for the development and maintenance of the GSM and SMS standards.
A nice highlight at Sms Mobile the CTIA Wireless show in the fall of 2007 was the speech by Face book co-founder Dustin Moscowitz. He was strongly trying to make the point that unlike the world of the Internet and A Sms Mobile computing which have open systems from Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc., the wireless networks are locked up closed systems from the carriers. This may have something to do with why mobile messaging is not as widely adopted as it should be. A Sms Mobile The answer to me is pretty obvious. It seems that mobile A Sms Mobile messaging is thought of as a status symbol versus something quite useful! I am told that Blackberry devices are about status – after all we see them in movies used by rich executives and people like Paris Hilton. As such, the masses think that mobile messaging is expensive and this perception is Sms Mobile impeding adoption of email on mobile phones. Mobile phone vendors are not helping this too much as they are also pulling all the stops to capture consumer appeal rather than deliver more useful functionality to the phone for messaging. Names like Chocolate from A Sms Mobile LG are designed to appeal to people who Sms Mobile love sleek while Nokia keeps pushing the envelope of the Swiss army knife mentality with more and more functionality for movie buffs, gamers, music fans, and sexy look and feel for those that love blades. LG even has an iPhone look-alike.
SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe for being a new form of spam as some advertisers purchased lists and sent unsolicited content to consumer's phones; however, as guidelines are put in place by the mobile operators, A Sms Mobile SMS has become the most popular branch of the Mobile Marketing industry with several 100 million advertising SMS sent out every month in Europe alone.In North America the first cross-carrier SMS shortcode campaign was run by Labatt Brewing Company in 2002. Over the past few years mobile short codes have been increasingly popular as a new channel to Sms Mobile communicate to the mobile consumer. Brands have begun to treat the mobile shortcode as a mobile domain name allowing the consumer to text message the brand at an event, in store and off any traditional media.SMS services typically run off a short code, but sending text messages to an email address is another methodology. Short codes are 5 or 6 digit numbers that have been assigned by all the mobile operators in a given country for the use of brand campaign and other consumer services. The mobile operators vet every application before provisioning and Sms Mobile monitor the service to make sure it does not diverge from its original service description.Besides short codes, inbound SMS is very often based on long numbers (international number format, e.g. +44 7624 805000), which can be used in place of short codes or premium-rated short messages for SMS reception in several applications, such as product promotions and campaigns. Long numbers are internationally available, as well as enabling businesses to have their own number, rather than short codes which are usually shared across a number of brands. Additionally, long numbers are non-premium inbound numbers.One key criterion for provisioning is that the consumer opts in to the service. The mobile operators demand a double opt in from the consumer and the ability for the consumer to opt out of the service at any time by sending Sms Mobile the word STOP via SMS. These guidelines are established in the MMA Consumer Best Practices Guidelines which are followed by all mobile marketers in the United States.